Many homeowners worry that installing windows in cold weather will make their homes look like a refrigerator. However, this isn't the case for window contractors who know what they're doing. Energy-efficient windows are an important consideration for both new and existing homes, as heat gain and loss through windows account for 25 to 30% of residential heating and cooling energy use. When replacing windows, it's important to consider the use of caulking and painting as part of the process.
The installer should be able to maneuver the window to tilt each panel and carefully remove it without breaking the glass. This will leave larger gaps between the window and the frame that need to be filled with additional putty. For optimal performance, it's best to place windows a little inside the wall assembly, as this will reduce the formation of thermal bridges through the rough opening. When replacing windows, you'll need to make several decisions about the type of windows you'll buy and the type of replacement you'll perform.
However, these times may not match the right weather conditions for renovations, especially when replacing windows. You may have the option to replace the windows in their current frame; check this option with the installer and window vendor to see if it's right for you. A high-quality contractor should have the tools and skills needed to repair any decay around the window frame. Before starting any construction, certain steps should not be skipped to ensure high-quality window replacement.
This includes placing tarps around the window area and anywhere the crew walks, as well as using air sealing system tapes as part of an effective external insulation and finishing system (EIFS). There are also plenty of window frame options to choose from for both performance and aesthetics. With immediate results, greater savings, faster installation times and reduced energy bills, there's no reason to wait until spring to buy new windows. A high-quality contractor should take away old windows, rather than leaving them for you to dispose of.